Afloat The Narmada

As I float on the Narmada the infinite vastness of nature dawns on me again. Its in every bit I see around every whisper I train my ear to receive..every breath I inhale.. Here sitting quietly among the bunch of thrilled devotees …they have been muted in my mind.. I feel myself become one with the Narmada. I slip quietly into this thought of being her.

‘I the purest and the most revered of the rivers… The immense glory of my chastity which cleanses scores of these gullible people of their earthly sins’

True like an ultimate mother…I feel her swell with love and pride … Flowing with grace. Like a true mother ..I feel her instil discipline as she forces the boat to motor along the shores..her swift currents gathering the Deeper waters ..we move to the edge..occasionally hopping off to let the boatmen persist against her currents.

I sense her smiling with pride.. As the school of tiny swallows hover above her bosom. The naughty hundreds frolicking mindlessly over the surface occasionally reaching down just enough to just tease her with their kisses. What a sense of harmony… This pretty foggy morning on the banks of  Maa Rewa, The Narmada.

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