A Spoonful Of Me

A bundle of displaced genes on the run..occasionally stalling with idyllic thoughts and bouncing over emotional bubbles.

Me at Alibag

Educationally qualified as an Architect, but professionally stuck up in a realm of real estate, doing more of project management and less of design. Passionate about poems, photography, talking and roaming news places.

Since the last 7 years i have discovered that I am in my best element when i pack my bag and let my heart lead me on away from the city to one of my uncharted breaks.What had started as an excuse to run away from decisions and pathos surrounding my mind, has slowly turned to be the passion for my bohemian soul.Over the last few years I have taken off on many such unplanned journeys and each of them have enriched and left me asking for more.I am more of a flashpacker with a very vague hint of where i wish to go.That being a reason enough I mostly wander Solo and impulsively on my paths. Though the soul is not particularly choosy of places to visit, it truly feels engaged and intrigued by the sight of historic ruins and marvelous architectural spaces.

Life has been touched by passionate and creative souls who have brushed on me their love for the Camera and words. I consider myself blessed to have crossed paths with such people in my journey and have nurtured these gifts of love for travel and Photography over the time. Though I wouldn’t love to pick my favorite child but Photography has definitely an edge in my choice.Photography has helped me grow as an observer , admirer, narrator and more. Travel on its part has brewed me into a more patient,tolerant , appreciative and humble person than before.

This blog is not a travel blog, there are many brilliant blogs for that and I follow a bunch of them myself.I may not help you with your itinerary, or next best holiday, or guide you on how to reach the secret destination. Its just about what I loved from my ample getaways and what I would love to share with others.Above all its about my Lens and what I capture.

If You Love what you see or read do leave me a note , that would be encouraging enough to keep on updating here.

Best wishes

13 responses to “A Spoonful Of Me

  1. Let the wanderlust in you take you on many new adventures. Discovering India is jam packed with heady delights . Only those who have traversed this road know it. Keep it up Shilpzs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shilpa…you have awesome blog! while it’s true that we can’t change our lives completely, we surely need to find that special “zone” to be ourselves. History is quite intriguing and if you love history, you can be lost in such places for hours..it’s timeless -time is always less 😉
    Hope you’ll be able to explore more and blog as well, to share with us all


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